Grundfos LS horizontal split case pump and LSV vertical split case pump are single stage or two stages, non-self-priming, centrifugal volute pumps with radial suction and radial discharge ports. The LS pump range delivers high pump efficiencies throughout the range and low life-cycle costs, thanks to its robust hydraulic design and service-friendly split-case housing. These pumps are ideal for all kinds of applications, including district heating and cooling plants, irrigation, public water supply systems and air-conditioning and heating systems where maximum power, reliability and energy efficiency are essential.

Horizontal Split Case Pumps
- Non-self-priming
- High pump efficiency
- Low life-cycle cost
- Robust hydraulic design
- High energy efficiency
- Versatile application
Suitable For
- Irrigation surface water and transfer
- Commercial air conditioning
- Commercial hot water recirculation
- Commercial water pressure boosting
- Drinking water treatment
- Desalination
- Surface water intake
- Water distribution